Dr Marion Piñeros
Hub officer, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France

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The IARC Regional Hub for Cancer Registration in Latin America was established in 2014. The model has a central coordinating centre and collaborating centers. Until very recently the Hub Coordinating Centre was based in Buenos Aires at the National Cancer Institute of Argentina. Three Collaborating Centres assist the Hub: the National Cancer Institute of Colombia, the National Cancer Registry of Uruguay, and the National Cancer Institute of Brazil (INCA).
The Hub provides covers 19 Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries in North America (Mexico); Central America and the Caribbean (Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and Puerto Rico); and South America (Argentina, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)).
Carina Musetti
National Cancer Registry, Uruguay
Claudia Uribe
Cancer Registry of Bucaramanga Metropolitan Area, Colombia
Daniel Jurado
Registro Poblacional de Cáncer – Pasto, University of Nariño, Colombia
Gonçalo Forjaz de Lacerda
Azores Cancer Registry, Portugal
Katy Heise Mora
Registro Hospitalario de Cáncer, Valdivia, Chile
Marianna de Camargo Cancela
Division of Population Research, INCA Brazil
María Enriqueta Bertrán
Registro Hospitalario de Valdivia, Chile
Patricia Pérez
Metropolitan Lima Cancer Registry, Lima, Peru
Rafael Marcos-Gragera
Unitat d'Epidemiologia i Registre de càncer de Girona (UERCG), Pla Director d'Oncologia. Departament de Salut Girona, Spain
Wilmer Tarupi
Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial Ecuador
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has been a key regional partner. Both the PAHO Regional Office and the more recent PAHO Subregional Office for South America support key activities, particularly training.
Similarly, the RINC-ALC (Network of National Cancer Institutes of Latin America) promotes the development of cancer control actions (with a focus on cervical cancer) and within those, the promotion of population-based cancer registries.
Discussions about the integration of efforts between the Hub and these groups are an essential element of the development of the Hub.