Call for Post-doctoral positions (Riga, Latvia)

Announcement for postdoctoral positions in Latvia
The government of Latvia will be opening a call with the aim of increase the scientific capacity of young scientists, ensure career possibilities for young scientists in scientific institutions and commercial businesses, improve general research competences, renew human resources and increase the number of qualified specialists. A summary (in English) of the general terms for the call is attached and the complete call (in Latvian) could be viewed at: specifiska-atbalsta-merka-palielinat-latvijas-zinatnisko-instituciju Accordingly, University of Latvia (Riga, Latvia) is looking for potential candidates interested in the call in order to create new postdoctoral positions. Currently, University of Latvia in collaboration with the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization (IARC-WHO) is running a population based multi-center study aimed at decreasing the mortality from stomach cancer (GISTAR, more information available at: The GISTAR study is a randomized clinical trial for evaluating the efficacy of Helicobacter pylori eradication combined with early detection of precancerous lesions in the prevention of stomach cancer incidence and associated mortality. At the moment the GISTAR trial is conducted in Latvia but it is expected to have an extension to other eastern European countries with high burden of stomach cancer such as Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia.
The postdoctoral researchers are expected to be involved in two major components of the GISTAR study:
- The epidemiological components of the evaluation
- The research on the effect of the intervention on the microbiome For the first topic, competences in epidemiology and/or public health, study design and monitoring would be required. Knowledge of Russian language is desirable. For the second topic, previous experience in molecular biology and microbiome would berequired. The principal requirements for the candidates include:
- PhD qualification from a University registered in EU countries, obtained and dated after December 1, 2011
- No previous EU funded postdoctoral position to be held
- EU citizenship or permanent residence permit
- High-ranked publications in peer-reviewed journals What is expected from the person in the position:
- Ability to manage the study, including supervision of the field and laboratory work
- Design of the ancillary studies, protocol developments
- Statistical analysis
- Manuscript preparation
- Development and coordination of a research team The location: Riga, Latvia The candidates will be chosen based on 2-stage competition:
- Evaluation of the candidates by IARC-WHO/University of Latvia representatives
- Joint project application (selected candidates and University of Latvia) to the authorities in Latvia Timelines: Please submit your CVs by September 15, 2016 to the following e-mail address: The collaborative project application will be submitted in November, 2016 to the authorities in Latvia (preliminary) Expected start of the position: February, 2017