IARC/GICR Collaborating Centre established with NCC South Korea to improve cancer registration in Asia

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the specialized cancer agency of the World Health Organization (WHO), signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Cancer Center (NCC) of the Republic of Korea, to increase support for cancer registration in Asia. The Global Initiative for Cancer Registry Development which is led by IARC, is an international partnership that combines technical support, training, and advocacy to ensure that cancer registry systems are developed across the world to inform national cancer control.
Within the framework of the GICR, the NCC has been officially designated as an IARC/GICR Collaborating Centre. Joining the IARC/GICR Mumbai Regional Hub for Cancer Registration [hyperlink] , located at the Tata Memorial Centre in India, the NCC expands the available support for cancer registration in the region offered by partner institutions in China, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, and Thailand.
Complementing the IARC/GICR Regional Hub and other IARC/GICR Collaborating Centres, the NCC will provide tailored training, develop educational resources, and build capacity through the NCC Graduate School of Cancer Science and Policy.