Course: Statistical Methods for Population-Based Cancer Survival Analysis, 1-6 June 2020, Veneto, Italy

Our partners and course lead faculty, Prof Paul Dickman (Karolinska Institutet) and Prof Paul Lambert (University of Leicester) sends an invitation to the intensive 1-week course, "Principles, Methods and Application of Statistical Methods in Population-Based Cancer Survival Analysis to be held in Castel Brando, Veneto, Italy. The course covers central concepts, such as how to estimate and model relative/net survival, as well as recent methodological developments including cure models, flexible parametric models, proportion of expected life lost, and estimating crude probabilities of death.
Who should attend. Epidemiologists, statisticians, physicians and oncologists, public health specialists and others with an interest in methods for studying cancer patient survival. The course is focussed on analysis of data collected by population-based cancer registries, but we welcome participants with interests in other areas. The methods taught (e.g., competing risks, modelling (especially flexible parametric modelling), regression standardisation etc.) can be applied to any area.
The course is organised by the Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology.
Scholarships. A limited number of scholarships (tuition only) are available for accredited university students. Scholarships cover the cost of tuition, for at most one week. Students enrolled in a degree program in a non-European country may apply. Students from EU or North America are not eligible for scholarships. Deadline for application is 8th of March, 2020.